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    “Experiencing China ----Smart Wuhan University” Doctoral Forum was Held at WUSM
    2017-12-05 23:39:05 来源: 点击数:

    On November 24th, “Experiencing China ----Smart Wuhan University” Doctoral Forum, hosted by the China Scholarship Council and organized by Wuhan University, was held at WUSM, attracting more than 100 PhD students awarded with Chinese Government Scholarships from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Huazhong Normal University, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Wuhan University of Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law..

    The theme of this forum is "To Build a Healthy Silk Road and Share Healthy Development". Hu Yanchu, Dean of School of International Education, Wuhan University attended the forum and made a keynote speech. Paul, Kazakhstan doctoral student from Wuhan University presided over the forum.

    Professor Shen Yin, Vice President of People's Hospital of Wuhan University, delivered a report, sharing her personal experience her and understanding of love and hope. Then, 4 international students respectively made academic reports.

    It is reported that the forum is aimed to demonstrate outstanding achievements of Wuhan University and other universities in the fields of clinical medicine, public health through a series of academic activities. It helps international students to know about what China has done for the development of human health, and encourages them to work together to promote the "Healthy Silk Road" in response to the “One Belt and One Road Initiative”. (Translated by Song Min, Wu Xia)

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